Warmipura began as a need of guidance and support expressed by Vilma, the leader of a group of Quechua-speaking women in Huilloc & Patacancha, to connect them with markets and consumers for their unique pieces of textile.

We aim to Co-create a sustainable source of income by trading -in a sustainable, respectful, and ethical way, the artisan’s unique textile pieces to fulfill their urgent needs.

Warmipura Values

Cultural Tourism

One of our first projects as an organization happened in 2019 when people from the US came to visit our partners in Patacancha.

Showroom living house

Our project is divided into three sections:

  1. Product showroom: an area for artisans to frame their work in a homely setting for visitors.

  2. Accommodation upgrade: improving the visitors’ overnight stay in an environment surrounded by artisans’ work.

  3. Online marketing: an interactive space for customers to engage with when purchasing through Warmipura.

    on the right side: a render of our upcoming project.

Are you interested in connecting with our partners in Huilloc and Patacancha?